Divvun - Sámi language technology

Welcome to Divvun and Giellateknos tool page

Divvun and Giellatekno develops language technology tools for Sámi and other circum polar languages. Our tools are free, in most cases open source and available to everyone. This page is dedicated to (mostly) the non Sámi languages we support. For Sámi languages, please visit our Sámi language page.

  • Divvun Manager helps you install and automatically update spell checkers and keyboard layouts.
  • Grammar checker that works in MS Word (also the web version) and Google Docs. It supports faroese, greenlandic, norwegian bokmål and gaelic (incubator version).
  • Mobile keyboards with built-in spell checker for many non Sámi languages.
  • Online spell checker for about thirty circumpolar languages.

More info about our tools can be found at borealium.org.